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Our mission and core values combine to form the principles under which we perform our primary responsibility: helping to enable the security, safety and reliability of internet infrastructure.

A significant portion of the world’s economy relies on the internet infrastructure we help to manage and operate. As stewards of the internet infrastructure, what we do and how we do it are critical to the secure and reliable operation of the global internet upon which billions of people worldwide depend, every second of every day. As stewards of our company, our actions and decisions create value for our shareholders and we earn the trust they have placed in us.

Verisign enables the world to connect online with reliability and confidence, anytime, anywhere.

We embrace new technologies and new ideas and the potential they promise, enabling us to build, sustain and improve on the internet’s infrastructure. We challenge past assumptions and do not accept that what works today will work tomorrow.

We Are Stewards of the Internet and Our Company

We understand that the role we play in supporting the global internet is a privilege and with that privilege comes great responsibility. We appreciate that our decisions and actions have consequences far beyond our own company, therefore, we hold ourselves to a higher standard in all we do.

We Are Passionate About the Pursuit of Technology and Innovation

The internet has made the world a smaller place, and how an individual or a company acts is becoming more transparent. We believe that acting with integrity and respect invites the same treatment in return. We also believe it’s the right thing to do. We demonstrate respect and integrity in our interactions with all of our stakeholders — customers, shareholders, business partners, internet users and fellow colleagues.



We Respect Others and Exhibit Integrity in Our Actions



